Friday, March 5, 2010

April is the new March

Maybe you should sit down...or at least hold on to something...this is going to shock you. Apple announced they are going to miss the promised March release date of the iPad. I know, I know...hard to believe. I mean that almost never happens. Well, except for Snow Leopard. Oh, and the iPhone. What's that? Oh yeah, the iPhone 3g too...right. Ok, well at least when all of those did finally arrive in customer hands they all worked perfectly...wait, they didn't? Huh...

Ok, the sarcasm is getting a bit thick even for me so I'll stop there. The reality is that virtually every time Apple announces a release date, you can pretty much count on them missing it. Apple announced that the new iPad will instead release on April 3rd and only in the US, and then only the version WITHOUT 3g connectivity. A week from today US-based customers who want to by the first incomplete, and almost assuredly buggy, iPad can pre-order and hope you can use it when it gets there.

In late April (assuming that holds...and history says otherwise) Apple will supposedly deliever the 3g models.

Now, not to mention that its just a glorified iPod touch...something you'd think they'd be very familiar with. Given the features they've announced, I don't see what there is that's so groundbreaking and different from products that Apple already sells that should cause delays.

That said, I would expect the Apple "lemmings" to head out in droves and push up the presales numbers. That maybe the only thing "magical and revolutionary" about the iPad. Sorry, I know I said that was it for the sarcasm, but I just couldn't help myself....

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